Local Governing Body
The Mead Primary School is part of EQUA Mead Learning Trust. The responsibility for the strategic management of the school is shared between the Headteacher, the Board of Trustees and Local Governors.
The Local Governing Body supports The Mead Primary School and has a general responsibility for the strategic management of the school. It is not expected to take detailed decisions about the day to day running of the school – that is the function of the Headteacher.
The Mead Primary School Local Governing Body (LGB)
Rachel Watts
Chair of the LGB
I am a new member of the Academy Advisory Group, joining in July 2021. I work in the NHS as an experienced senior programme manager leading and managing transformation programmes and projects. As a passionate advocate and leader of continuous improvement for myself and for teams I work with. I am looking forward to supporting The Mead as it continues to improve and grow. Having recently moved to Hilperton, I have a son who has just started nursery.
Sophie Amstell
Acting Chair of the LGB
I have two children at The Mead (Wingfield site) and have become a Governor in order to be more involved in school life. I have been working in the arts education sector for 15 years and I am currently Development Manager for Wiltshire Music Connect where I lead on schools and curriculum. The Mead is a very special place where children thrive and I feel lucky to be part of the school community.
Mark Stenton
Ex-Officio Governor
Alex Moss
Local Governor
Becs Millard
Co-Opted Governor
Lucy-Kate Ridewood
Local Governor
Alex McDonald
Local Governor