Local Governing Body

The Mead Primary School is part of EQUA Mead Learning Trust. The responsibility for the strategic management of the school is shared between the Headteacher, the Board of Trustees and Local Governors.

The Local Governing Body supports The Mead Primary School and has a general responsibility for the strategic management of the school. It is not expected to take detailed decisions about the day to day running of the school – that is the function of the Headteacher.

The Mead Primary School Local Governing Body (LGB)

Stephanie Davis
Rachel Watts

Chair of the LGB


I chose to become a governor at The Mead as i was really impressed with everything the school does for its children and staff.  I hope to bring my skills from my day-job in the NHS, working on transformation and improvement projects and programmes, to support The Mead as it continues to grow and improve. 


Justine Macalister
Mark Stenton

Ex-Officio Governor

Justine Macalister
Kate Seviour

Ex-Officio Governor

Stephanie Davis
Sophie East

Ex-Officio Governor

Stephanie Davis
Nicola Demski

Ex-Officio Governor

Stephanie Davis
Lucy-Kate Ridewood

Community Governor

Justine Macalister
Alex McDonald

Local Governor

Justine Macalister
Alex Moss

Parent Governor

Justine Macalister
Alice Perry

Parent Governor

Justine Macalister
Charlene Bartlett

Parent Governor

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